Projects at a Glance


Gratitude Stories

“Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life."







Support Gratitude Woodland
 (Diolch Coetir).

Share your gratitude story. Leave your legacy. Be part of a global gratitude archive. Inspire others, give hope, share your thankfulness and in doing this support the Gratitude Woodland.
By sponsoring trees, you will drive forward the Beekon Vision and enable the crafting of the Gratitude Woodland.

  • Be a FOUNDING BEEKON and share your gratitude story and sponsor £1000 worth of trees. Donate or commit to raising this amount for the Gratitude Woodland.
  • Sponsor a tree for £25.00 and craft your gratitude sentence on a leaf of your choice.
  • Organise a Gratitude Gathering, let others know about the Gratitude Woodland and enable them to be involved in the gratitude movement.
  • Be part of a local project support group AND shape and direct the development of Gratitude Woodland and other BEEKON Global Projects.

The future is ours. Let us make it a grateful experience.

 Supported by UnLtd